Jimmy's Restaurant Menu
Dish Ratings & Reviews for Jimmy's Restaurant

Going to dine at Jimmy's Restaurant? Check out the full menu for Jimmy's Restaurant. When available, we provide pictures, dish ratings, and descriptions of each menu item and its price. Use this menu information as a guideline, but please be aware that over time, prices and menu items may change without being reported to our site.

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  • breakfast special
  • New Zealand Lamb Chops
  • Shrimp Creole
Jimmy's Never Disappoints!

"Jimmy’s Restaurant has never disappointed me in the 5 years I’ve been dining there. Friday eveni..."

now this is baltimore!!

"I give this place 4 stars, not for the food or atmosphere, but because this is the one place that..."

A Great Family Restaurant & More

"Whether you are a large party or having a quiet dinner, Jimmy's is the place. The staff imparts a..."

Family style done right!

"Jimmy's presents a great selection - you can please everyone by going here. It's a simple, famil..."