The Hi-Life Menu
Dish Ratings & Reviews for The Hi-Life

Going to dine at The Hi-Life? Check out the full menu for The Hi-Life. When available, we provide pictures, dish ratings, and descriptions of each menu item and its price. Use this menu information as a guideline, but please be aware that over time, prices and menu items may change without being reported to our site.

  • Firehouse Mary
  • Petite Ahi
  • Blueberry Cakes
Upscale-casual in an old firehouse

"I'd been wanting to try The Hi-Life for some time now, and I'm happy to say that it's a place I'd..."

Great pizza, pretty good breakfast

"We used to go here for breakfast pretty often last summer but have cut back a bit due mainly to t..."

Former Firehouse Fare Fair

"This Chow Foods installation is nicely done in the fromer Ballard Firehouse (it really was built ..."