Gianni's Pizza Menu
Dish Ratings & Reviews for Gianni's Pizza

Going to dine at Gianni's Pizza? Check out the full menu for Gianni's Pizza. When available, we provide pictures, dish ratings, and descriptions of each menu item and its price. Use this menu information as a guideline, but please be aware that over time, prices and menu items may change without being reported to our site.

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  • burned pizza
  • pizza
  • Caprese Salad Pizza
Re: Gianni's Pizza

"Gianni's Pizza is my favorite food place and I love to go there for their delicious pizzas. By re..."

Local place, convenient, too bad-never to return

"After numerous tries, it's quitting time. Really folks- this is a personal message to the owner::..."

Bad customer service and HORRIBLE food(if it gets to you)!!!

"Really deserves 0 stars! We gave this place 3 chances. 1st time we ordered the pizza bottom was..."