Honeybaked Ham Menu
Dish Ratings & Reviews for Honeybaked Ham

Going to dine at Honeybaked Ham? Check out the full menu for Honeybaked Ham. When available, we provide pictures, dish ratings, and descriptions of each menu item and its price. Use this menu information as a guideline, but please be aware that over time, prices and menu items may change without being reported to our site.

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  • Chef Salad
  • Ham and Turkey Pesto
  • Party Pack #5 - Ribs, Chicken and 3 Side Orders

"This is so good option to follow web address and whenever you get time start learning ideas for y..."

free sandwich offer

"Two young ladies very courteous and patient. "

Favorite Sandwich in town!

"I love eating there on my lunch break. Great Sandwiches, Andy and the staff are always friendly. ..."

Awesome Service and Location

"So great to have a honey baked close to home in Trinity for Christmas. They did a great job helpi..."

Poor service, but ham was OK.

"Service at Trinity/LongLeaf kiosk was terrible, but ham was OK."

Avoid Trinity kiosk

"Staff was rude. My 77 year old mother was simply trying to buy a ham, which she had reserved bef..."

The traditional ham sandwich platter is a fantastic sandwich

"A Honey baked ham sandwich is delicious. The sides are pathetically small, but the sandwich i..."


"We purchased a ham and a couple of sides for a Christmas office lunch. We were told that the ham ..."