8513 William Penn Rd
Osterburg, PA 16667

Slick's Ivy Stone Restaurant

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"They were friendly but the food was awful! They definitely need a new chef. The prices were high and they were big on quantity, but they would do much better with much better quality and less food. Instant mashed potatoes and the meat was not cooked pr"
"Real potatoes, homemade stuffing not stove top stuffing, and better preparation of the food. My ground steak dinner was to be done well, they made a big wad of meat that was hard on the outside, so it could be well done inside."
"Get lessons from Traditions restaurant."
  • 1/22/2018

    A dining patron from Shippensburg, PA tried it.

  • 3/21/2016

    A food lover from Du Bois, PA tried it, liked it, and rated it . They didn't like the food, didn't like the service, and didn't like the ambiance.

    They were friendly but the food was awful! They definitely need a new chef. The prices were high and they were big on quantity, but they would do much better with much better quality and less food. Instant mashed potatoes and the meat was not cooked pr
    Real potatoes, homemade stuffing not stove top stuffing, and better preparation of the food. My ground steak dinner was to be done well, they made a big wad of meat that was hard on the outside, so it could be well done inside.
    Get lessons from Traditions restaurant.
  • 10/14/2015

    A dining patron from Altoona, PA tried it.

  • 8/27/2015

    A dining patron from Windber, PA tried it, liked it, and rated it . They didn't like the food, liked the service, and didn't like the ambiance.

  • 6/15/2015

    A food lover from Newark, NJ tried it and liked it. They liked the food and liked the service.

  • 10/08/2014

    A food lover from Dallas, TX tried it and liked it. They liked the food.


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Slick's Ivy Stone Restaurant  Restaurant Reviews

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Slick's Ivy Stone Restaurant is located near the cities of St Clairsville, Saint Clrsville, King Township, Imler, and East St Clair Township.
People found this by searching for: Slicks Ivy Stone Restaurant, Slicks Restaurant, Slicks Ivy Stone Menu Prices, Ivystone Diner Menu, Slick's Restaurant, Stone And Ivy Scottsdale, Slicks Ivy Stone Menu, Stone And Ivy Restaurant Scottsdale, and Directions To Slick's Ivyside.