544 Connecticut Ave
Norwalk, CT 06854

Dunkin' Donuts

Cuisine: Bakery & Pastries, Pastries, Bakeries

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  • 12/01/2015

    A Bakery & Pastries food lover from Brooklyn, NY tried it, didn't like it, and rated it . They didn't like the food, didn't like the service, and didn't like the ambiance.


Bakery & Pastries Pastries Good For Kids
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Dunkin' Donuts is located near the cities of South Norwalk, West Norwalk, and Westport.
People found this by searching for: Dunkin Donuts Menu Norwalk Ct, Dunkin Donuts Connecticut Avenue Norwalk Ct, Dunkin Donuts Taylor At Ct, and 544 Connecticut Avenue Dunkin.